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  3. competence
  4. cultural substitution
  5. CAT
  6. Descriptive Translation Studies
  7. Documentary Translation
  8. E.L.T
  9. Logos
  10. patronage
  11. resistancy
  12. sight translation
  13. target language
  14. terminology
  15. undertranslation
  1. 翻译方向
  2. 翻译体
  3. 语内翻译
  4. 多语语料库
  5, 选译
  6. 配字幕
  7. 注音
  8. 翻译单位
  9. 可译性
  10. 耳语传译
  11. 借用
  12. 信息型文本
  13. 译前编辑
  14. 逐词翻译
  15. 动态对等
  1、Since 1989 Mayor Richard Daley has presided over the planting of more than 300,000 trees, which he says not only please the eye but “reduce noise5 air pollution and summer heat” Twenty-one underatilized acres around the city have been turned into 72 community gardens and parks. The renovation of Soldier Field on the lakefront will include 17 acres of new parkland. The largest park project, the Calumet Open Space Reserve on the far Southeast Side, is 4,000 acres of prairies,wetlands and forests.
  The city contracts with an organization called the Christian Industrial League, which hires many down-and-out persons’ to wash stress and water plants. And the organization is building a greenhouse that will sell flowers in winter.
  2、Bhagwati says “Unions In poor countries face a lose-lose situation’ Higher standards are apt to raise the poorer nations9 costs of production, crippling those nations’ competitiveness. If the standards are not implemented,those nations’ exports are punished with sanctions. So for the unions in rich countries, the moralization of trade is win-win.
  Time was, protectionists were mostly on the right, protecting corporations in the name of nationalism. Now most are on the left5 where the vocabulary of victimization prevails. The left’s agenda-—expanding government at the expense of markets in the allocation of wealth and opportunity—makes economic autarky a temptation. The same mind-set also opposes challenges to government monopolies such as public education and Social Security.
  3、Man- adapted physically as well as culturally to the new surroundings Into which he moved. Those who stayed in or moved to equatorial climates developed dark skin to protect them from the rays of the sun. Those who moved to colder climates developed light skin to take advantage of the sunlight for the synthesis of vitamin D. People in cold dry climates became stocky, to conserve heat. People in hot dry climates tended to become tall and thin,to dissipate heat.
  1、一些国际环境组织近年来已改变了保护策略。他们努力拯救整个自然环境,而不是在一段时间内只力图拯救一个物种。许多专家感到在过去15年中,最成功的是世界上几乎所有国 家都有了国家动植物保护区和保护公园。这意味着天然的野生生物区将继续供养着许多种相 互依存的野生动植物。
  2、有一个谚语:直到我们失去了某件东西,我们才会彻底认识到它的价值。当朋友已经死 去时我们常常才能珍惜朋友的爱,甚至比他生前更加珍惜。直至我们离开学校或大学,才开始了解教育给我们的无穷机会,而学校教育也已不再了。同样的,只有当人身体虚弱或生病 时才会了解健康的可贵。
  3、2013年,习近平主席提出了建设“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”,简称 “一带一路”的战略构想。他指出,“一带一路”连接亚太、中亚和欧洲经济圈。无论是发 展经济、改善民生,还是应对危机,许多沿线国家同我国都有着共同利益。如今,“一带一 路”已成为中国努力推进地区互联互通、经贸合作的基石。
